Easy to make DIY Pinwheel Toy Made Up Of Paper - VibhutiCrafts

Easy to make DIY Pinwheel Toy Made Up Of Paper

Materials Required:

Step 1

Take a Square shaped Paper and place it on the table.

Step 2

Mark the center of your square paper with a pencil using a ruler.

Step 3

Next, draw a diagonal line halfway between each corner of the paper and the center dot you just drew using your ruler.

Step 4

Cut the diagonal lines you just marked on your paper with the scissors.

Step 5

Fold every other point into the central dot and stick it using glue and place a pushpin into the paper.

Step 6

Push the remainder of the pin through a straw/stick.

And it’s ready for fun.

Tip: Make sure to keep a little bit space between the straw and the pinwheel so it can rotate freely. Face the pinwheel against the air so it will rotate.

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