How to make a Caterpillar Toy With Paper, for Kids - VibhutiCrafts

How to make a Caterpillar Toy With Paper, for Kids

Materials Required

Step 1

Take a rectangular paper of width 4cm and length 15cm .To form a crease in the center, fold the strip in half.

Step 2

Fold the paper toward the crease in the center. Repeat on the other side


Step 3

Fold the strip from the outside to the center fold once more. Combine the two pieces and fold them together. Repeat on the other side.

Step 4

   Trim all four edges round with a scissor.

Step 5

Unfold the strip, invert it and place it on the table. Draw the face on the caterpillar’s head.

Step 6

To make the caterpillar crawl, gently blow at the tail of the caterpillar using a straw.

  Walaaah! The caterpillar is ready.

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