Top 4 DIY Tools you definitely need!
Over all my crafts materials are like the definite essentials to make any craft more fun and less tardy. Let's dive into the tools
And the first one is a paper cutting board
Paper cutting boards are so essentials for all your crafts I cannot emphasize enough. You can literally cut strips, rectangles, squares, triangles in minutes. Just grab the board and find the size you want and measure it in the board, the board has a scale mentioning in cm. Just put down the paper in the appropriate size and turn the cutter on it and move it up and down and it’s done! It's that easy. This tool has really helped me save time when I had bigger and intricate projects which require several cutting of the same sized paper.
Next comes the Glue gun
Glue gun is definite when we talk about any kind of crafts, be it paper crafts, popsicle sticks crafts, skewer sticks, fabric crafts, cardboard, foam sheet, sunboard, anything literally. Glue gun is a handy tool which can stick things in seconds. I use a glue gun for most popsicle sticks projects and it works wonders. Compared to glue, glue guns get a lot easier to stick things together and hold in place while it dries. Mostly with glue the problem that I face multiple times is the sticks don’t hold it in place. Glue is good for popsicle sticks and skewer sticks I am not denying that but it gets a lot harder to keep them in place when they are drying out and that is the time glue gun comes in handy, the hot thick glue allows the sticks to stick quickly but also stay in place till it's almost dries. Although the wired glue gun can get really difficult to carry at places so I suggest a wireless one!
And now we have the X-acto knife
My work consists of many intricate artwork and honestly I am enjoying it using X-acto knife. This knife comes with multiple blades and once the blade goes blunt you can just replace it with a new one by twisting the top. It can cut a lot of materials easily like Foam sheets, Mount boards, Cardboards, Sunboards, Card stock and obviously Paper. Small cutouts like designs or shapes can be easily done using this knife. To be honest Once when I was making an artwork using a foam sheet, it had a lot of uneven shapes in it, and cutting it using this knife was indeed more calming.
Last but not the least Scissors
Hear me out! I know you definitely have scissors but what I mean is to have two for different materials. Keep a pair of scissors, one for fabric and one for paper. The scissor sharpness degrades when used on paper and when such scissor is used for fabric, the result won’t be that enticing! So here is what I do: I keep two pairs for different materials and that way it lasts longer and works effectively.