Week 1 June Updates - VibhutiCrafts

Week 1 June Updates

Hey there, amazing people!


We're thrilled to have you here as we take you on an exciting journey of unleashing your creative potential. In this build-in-public section, we'll be sharing all the inside scoop and updates with you, including the best hobbies, craft ideas easy, and where to find craft materials and craft supplies online.


Update 1: Introducing MySkillShaala - Your One-Stop Crafts and Hobby Haven

The past week has been a whirlwind of tasks, experiments, and tough decisions. But guess what? We've successfully launched our new store, MySkillShaala! This means we're moving away from our previous store on vibhuticrafts.in. Now, our community members can find everything they need under one roof - easy craft ideas, the best hobbies courses, and an extensive range of craft materials available online.


Update 2: Celebrating Record-Breaking Sales of Craft Materials

Hold onto your seats because we've got some incredible news. Our monthly KPI update reveals that we've achieved our highest lifetime sales for craft materials on our Amazon Store! If you're looking for top-quality craft supplies online, look no further than our store.


Update 3: Lightning-Fast Delivery of Craft Materials with Amazon

We've got some fantastic developments on the delivery front. Our Bangalore fulfillment center for the Amazon store is up and running, enabling us to offer lightning-fast delivery of your favorite craft materials. With Prime delivery, you can expect your craft supplies to arrive within one to two days. Experience the convenience of shopping for craft materials online with us!


But wait, there's more!


We've got plenty of exciting things lined up for you in the days to come, including a wide variety of craft ideas easy enough for beginners. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay updated on the latest happenings, craft supplies online, and the best hobbies to explore. And here's a little sneak peek - we're planning to introduce a brand new range of hobby courses and supplies that go beyond just crafts. We'd love to hear your thoughts! Drop a comment below and let us know what you'd like us to release next.


Stay tuned for more creativity and inspiration, as we provide you with the best craft materials, craft supplies online, and endless ideas for the best hobbies.

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